For my survey, I chose to survey high school students, college students, and college graduates. Because of this, each demographic was of a different education level. I surveyed the high schoolers through facebook, the college students in person, and the college graduates through a combination of email, facebook, and in person. I chose these questions because I wanted to know how educated people were about the prevalence of human trafficking and especially child slavery. I chose to do a pre- and post- survey question to see if once people knew some of the statistics of human trafficking, they would be more concerned about it.
Pre-survey, do you think human trafficking is a major problem in the United States?
a. a. Yes
b. b. No
High schoolers: a. 2 b. 8
College students: a. 5 b. 5
College graduates: a. 6 b. 4
How many people are trafficked into or through the United States annually?
a. a. 10,000
b. b. 30,000
c. c. 50,000 CORRECT
High schoolers: a. 6 b. 3 c. 1
College students: a. 6 b. 2 c. 2
College graduates: a. 5 b. 2 c. 3
How many children in the United States are at risk for sex trafficking?
a. a. 10,000- 50,000
b. b. 50,000- 100,000
c. c. 100,000- 300,000 CORRECT
High schoolers: a. 3 b. 3 c. 4
College students: a. 3 b. 4 c. 3
College graduates: a. 2. b. 6 c. 2
What is the current approximate cost of a human slave?
a. a. $1,000
b. b. $300
c. c. $90 CORRECT
High schoolers: a. 6 b. 4 c. 0
College students: a. 7 b. 1 c. 1
College graduates: a. 5 b. 5 c. 0
How many people are trafficked and sold across international borders annually?
a. a. 400,000- 600,000
b. b. 600,000- 800,000 CORRECT
c. c. 800,000- 1,000,000
High schoolers: a. 4 b. 5. c. 1
College students: a. 3 b. 4 c. 3
College graduates: a. 4. b. 2 c. 4
Post-survey, do you think the United States should be doing more to stop human trafficking?
a. a. Yes
b. b. No
High schoolers: a. 10 b. 0
College students: a. 10 b. 0
College graduates: a. 10 b. 0
My survey shows that people are largely uninformed about the prevalence of child slavery and human trafficking, especially within the United States. After hearing the correct answers to the questions, everyone was more concerned about the issue. I especially noticed that people underestimated the amount of trade and trafficking in the United States. High schoolers were especially uninformed. Everyone seemed very shocked with the cost of a slave today. My research supported this statistic so upon my first reading, I was not as surprised, but that a human life costs less than fifty dollars was an incredible shock to many people I polled. The results of this poll indicate that a world Atwood describes is not only possible, but very close at hand. The child sex industry grows every day and very little is being done about it, in part because of the lack of information out there. This human rights issue can no longer be ignored.
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