Monday, April 16, 2012


For my poll, I used several methods to ask my questions. Some were asked over phone, some over Facebook, and some were asked in person.   I decided to try and get answers from varying age groups to show the progression of the thoughts on morality through the generations.  My prediction was that with the rising of the ages, the answers would start to shift in a certain direction. I asked young adults(18-29), more mature adults(30-40), middle aged adults(40-55), and older adults(55+).  The questions I asked pertained to the use of the internet in today’s society, and its indications of the current state of morality and its probable future state. 

~Question 1: Choose the age group that you fall under
10 were (18-29)
5 were (30-39)
7 were (40-54)
8 were (55+)
~Question 2: Should there be censorship/regulation of content on the internet?
(18-29)-Yes:2 No:8
(30-39)-Yes:3 No:2
(40-54)-Yes:5 No 2
(55+)-Yes:6 No:2
~Question 3:Do you think that the objectionable content that can be found on the internet today has affected the general morality of today’s society?
(18-29)-Yes:6 No:5
(30-39)-Yes:4 No:1
(40-54)-Yes:7 No:0
(55+)-Yes:7 No:1
~Question 4: Does the objectionable content that can be found on the internet define the current state of morality in today’s society?
(18-29)-Yes:4 No:6
(30-39)-Yes:2 No:3
(40-54)-Yes:4 No:3
(55+)-Yes:6 No:2
~Question 5: Does the reality of public executions, assisted suicides, or child pornography being easily accessed on the internet seem like it could happen within the next 50 years?
(18-29)-Yes:3 No:7
(30-39)-Yes:3 No:2
(40-54)-Yes:5 No:2
(55+)-Yes:6 No:2

Based on this data I collected, I can make several assumptions about the ideas these age groups have on the state of morality in society and its future, based on internet use.  For the young adult(18-29) range, I found that opinions on the state of morality in today’s society varied, but an agreement on the future of morality and the internet going downhill.  The more mature adults (30-39) were very split in their answers, and I feel like I need a larger representation of their population to make any accurate accusations.  The middle aged adults(40-54) seemed to feel that the internet and morality have gone down since its invention, and they also feel that the state of morality and the content of the internet could go farther downhill in the next 50 years.  As far as the older adults go, the results were expected.  Most found today’s morality/the internet to be objectionable and related. The idea of an inevitable moral decline seems very real to them.  As far as the people I have polled goes, I’m going to give the oldest, most mature, most experienced adults the benefit of the doubt and trust their judgment.  I would say their judgment coincides with the Attwood’s novel, as she seems to portray a total decay of morality in the future.  One of these portrayals is through the vulgarity of the content that can be found on the internet during this future.   

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