painting, done by Charles Paul Landon in 1779, depicts the flight of Daedalus
and Icarus. The story goes that Daedalus was a very skilled inventor, but in a
moment of jealousy, he killed his apprentice and was imprisoned. While
imprisoned, he had a son named Icarus with one of Kind Minos’s slave girls.
Minos employed Daedalus to build the Labyrinth to house the Minotaur, a ferocious
half-man, half-bull creature. Daedalus, however, revealed the secrets of the Labyrinth
to Ariadne, who in turn relayed them to Theseus, allowing him to slay the
Minotaur and escape the Labyrinth. Enraged by this, Minos banished Daedalus
into the Labyrinth. However, Daedalus was not going to spend the rest of his
life there. He crafted wings out of feathers and wax for himself and for
Icarus. He warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun. Icarus, however,
smitten with his new gift of flight, flew too close to the sun and the wax
holding his wings together melted, and he fell into the sea to his death.
flight of Icarus and Daedalus, depicted in the painting, is representative of
this battle between Natural and Synthetic Evolution seen in Oryx and Crake.
Man, smitten with his new powers, the powers of science, knowledge and reason,
tries to fly closer and closer to the sun, God. The closer they get however,
the more dangerous the situation becomes and is eventually their undoing. Also,
in a more literal sense, Daedalus crafting this wings and synthetically evolved
himself and Icarus. However, because this was not a natural evolution, there
were problems with it. Foreseen or unforeseen, synthetic evolution can cause
problem that could be far more severe than problems seen in natural evolution.
These flaws, such as pigoons becoming aggressive and self-aware, or wolvogs
wiping out the dog population, and going feral and killing people, and
eventually something far worse, could cause man to fall from grace and lose
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